Our Students
Our students are at the centre of everything we do at Melton West Primary School.
We have designed and implemented our Student Leadership Framework that offers opportunities for students to be involved in our school’s decision-making processes. Recently, we have strengthened our Student Leadership Framework to include student focus groups working alongside teachers to promote, monitor and evaluate the school’s teaching and learning programs.
Our Student Leadership Framework includes:
- School Captains
- Buddies Program
- Junior School Council
- Sports and House Captains
- eSmart Leaders
- SWPB Leaders.
We invite you to explore the range of opportunities and responsibilities that our student leaders experience below.
![2021 Student Leaders](
School Captains
Main roles and responsibilities:
- Attending Student Leadership Meetings regularly
- Working collaboratively with Student Leadership teacher, Assistant Principal and JSC for school improvement
- Attending the National Young Leaders Day
- Participating in Staff Selection Panels
- Participating in Selection Panels for future School Captains
- Leading Special School Assemblies for example Remembrance Day
- Leading in the presentation of Student Awards at weekly School Assemblies
- Representing the school at community events
- Presenting at Prep Information Sessions
- Attendance at two School Council Meetings.
![2021 School Captains And Sports Captains](
Buddies Program
Main roles and responsibilities:
- All students in Year 4 will be paired up with a student in Prep
- The Year 4 buddy becomes responsible for looking out for their younger buddy, helping them immerse themselves into Melton West Primary School
- The Year 4 buddy completes a Personal Profile of themselves to give to their Prep buddy
- The Year 4 buddy works with their Prep buddy throughout the year in a variety of learning experiences, e.g. creating language experience books together
- The Year 4 buddy will read to their Prep buddy and help to instil a love of reading and books
- The Year 4 buddy will have 30 minutes per week to work together with their Prep buddy
- Students will be provided with a photo or profile of their buddy to refer to throughout the year.
![Buddies 4](
Junior School Council
Main roles and responsibilities:
- Attending Student Leadership Meetings fortnightly
- Communicating upcoming events to classes
- Supporting School Captains in the promotion of community service
- Liaising between classes and Student Leadership Team
- Contributing and helping to implement ideas for school improvement with a focus on student engagement
- Speaking at assemblies
- Leading in the organisation of whole school fundraising events.
![2021b JSC Members](
eSmart Leaders
Main roles and responsibilities:
- Promoting cybersafety in classrooms
- Monitoring the safe use of technology in classrooms
- Completing a Digital Fluency and Citizenship Passport
- Solving technical issues with technologies in classrooms
- Teaching others how to use iPads, notebooks and Interactive Whiteboards appropriately
- Organising and running Technology Evenings
- Mentoring younger students in using technology safely.
![2021 ESmart Leaders](
Sports & House Captains
Main roles and responsibilities:
- Promotion of physical activity
- Attend and participate in regular meetings
- School Sports Captains are to oversee all House Captains and ensure that they are following through on set sports projects
- School Sports Captains are responsible for organising the PA systems and speakers for assemblies
- Organisation and implementation of Lunchtime sports clubs and activities
- Assistance with the implementation of whole school sporting events.
SWPB Leaders
Main roles and responsibilities:
- Promote safe and orderly behaviours
- Referencing the MWPS School-Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix against the trends in the students’ behavioural data on Sentral
- Take part in School Improvement Teams (SITs) with teachers as required
- Problem-solving inside and outside behaviours together with students and teachers
- Speaking at assemblies, highlighting our school values.
Cybersafety Awareness
As part of their learning, they have created posters for our community on different aspects of cybersafety – including cyberbullying, securing personal details, and taking greater responsibility when playing video games. Included here is a gallery of some of the products that our eSmart Leaders have created on an iPad app called Pages.